Skoči na glavno vsebino

Avtor: Branko Pongrac

9th class, Turtles all the way down

With Žan and Lučka we were dicussing the book by John Green: Turtles all the way down. Here are some thoughts that they put down about the main character Aza and her friends. There...


Državno tekmovanje osnovnošolcev v znanju fizike za Stefanova priznanja je potekalo v sobota, 8. maj 2021 na matični šoli. Udeležili so se ga trije naši učenci: Matic Urh iz 8.b razreda, Matevž Potrebuješ iz...


We were asking ourselves: » How much did I help my parents when I was small? How much do I help them now? What kind of work do I do? Who does in our...

Our parents, 8th class

We have described our mothers and fathers. In March they celebrate: 8th March, 10th March, 25th March. Let them be strong and healthy. AG Nikšič DESCRIPTION OF MY MOM I will write about my...

ČUDNI ČASI – tretjič

V sklopu izbirnega predmeta Filmska vzgoja, je med karanteno nastala kratka, eksperimentalna risanka. Inspiracija zgodbe je domači kuža, ki se je med video konferenčnim poukom na daljavo, prihajal pocrkljat k učitelju. Le kaj si...
