Skoči na glavno vsebino

Avtor: Branko Pongrac

ČUDNI ČASI – tretjič

V sklopu izbirnega predmeta Filmska vzgoja, je med karanteno nastala kratka, eksperimentalna risanka. Inspiracija zgodbe je domači kuža, ki se je med video konferenčnim poukom na daljavo, prihajal pocrkljat k učitelju. Le kaj si...

IN THE PAST: the 7th class

It’s interesting to peep into the past. How did our grandmothers and grandfathers live? How did our parents live when they were young? The pupils have found many interesting facts and learned about the...

9th graders: Health

Health is wealth. Don’t you agree? Health is very important. We can often hear: »I wish you to be healthy in New Year!« or »If only we are healthy, we will arrange everything else...


V mesecu decembru smo v 7. a vsakodnevno izvajali posebne in zanimive aktivnosti, ki smo jih poimenovali “adventni izzivi”. Z njimi smo si učenci popestrili zimske dni, ki jih moramo zaradi ukrepov preživeti doma....

Shopping (for corona virus???) – 8th class

December is probably the king of shopping of all months. But probably not this year. Do you like shopping? Is it good for the environment? Is it necessary? One of the pupils said: »We...

Me as a small child in 7th class

Pupils in 7th class have written about themselves being a baby and a small child. It’s nice to ask your parents about the facts of your childhood that you forgot. I have chosen 3...

Slovenia in 9th class

With the 9th graders we learned about Slovenia. There are four compositions: on history, the installation of the dukes, agriculture and the reason: why is it nice to live here. Are you curious? Go...


In the 8th class,  we started the school year with the description of the holidays. This way I was getting to know the pupils and we revised The Past Simple.             I have chosen...
