Z avtobusom smo se zgodaj zjutraj na zadnji septembrski petek odpeljali na Primorsko. Med vožnjo smo klepetali in se zabavali. Najprej smo si ogledali Luko Koper. V avtobusu se nam je pridružil vodič, ki...
Z avtobusom smo se zgodaj zjutraj na zadnji septembrski petek odpeljali na Primorsko. Med vožnjo smo klepetali in se zabavali. Najprej smo si ogledali Luko Koper. V avtobusu se nam je pridružil vodič, ki...
It was great to see young people running 1000 meters. They also had to do other things beside this. I wonder how I would manage. I invite you to read the articles that the...
V preteklih dveh dnevih smo obiskali mesta Lucco in Piso ter Sieno in San Gimignano. V torek smo se v Lucci sprehodili po znamenitem obzidju, si ogledali Torre del Ore in Piazzo dell Anfiteatro,...
Zlati odličnjaki smo se v ponedeljek, 19. 6. 2023, podali na štiridnevno pustolovščino, kjer bomo raziskovali bisere Toskane. Pot je potekala gladko in malo pred trinajsto uro smo že pohajkovali po Firencah – glavnem...
Would you like to know what has 9A class written at their last English lesson? The topics of their composition were: “What was a good, sad or funny event in primary school? How do...
What can I do to save the planet? Every deed matters, everyone matters, our planet Earth matters! The other day I found a can of beer in the forest. I put it in my...
How do teenagers communicate with schoolmates and friends? How do they communicate with parents and teachers? What is the difference in communication between different groups? What would they improve at their communication? We invite...
Let’s save the planet! What is going on with clothes? class 8C How can you reduce clothes? You can reduce clothes by buying less. It’s good to buy what you need. How can you...
What do teenagers do on Sunday? Check the following compositions, which they wrote on Monday. Alenka G. Nikšič Yesterday I woke up later than usually. My mom came to my room and lay next...
Že kar nekaj let si pouk angleščine popestrimo z gibanjem, ki nam omogoča, da se lažje zberemo. So obdobja, ko delamo različne telovadne vaje, ki jih občasno dopolnimo s plesom ob glasbenem videu. V...